A few years ago, if you had said to anyone that Jamie T was releasing an album, bottom line is they wouldn’t have believed you, and then if you had said he was releasing two albums in two years, you would have been called a fool.

However, in 2016, we have exactly that, a second Jamie T album in two years. “Carry on the grudge” was released in 2014 and proved to be a really interesting record looking back. It wasn’t particularly the singles from the record that, for me, was what pushed it into the “really good” band of albums that year; it was the album tracks like “The Prophet” and “Mary Lee” that proved to be really impressive.

For “Trick” the big hit singles such as “Power over men”, “Tinfoil Boy” and “Tescoland” are highly commendable and all feature a new side to Jamie T we haven’t particularly heard before. A heavier, darker and more anarchic approach is seemed to have taken place here. “Tinfoil Boy” is the track for me, that is the darkest on the album and in “Drone Strike” you can hear a Kasabian type influence, especially in the chorus, which works really well.

But again, its the other album tracks from “Trick” that make this an album that I really really like. “Jone of Arc” and “Drone Strike” in particular are stand out tracks for me, their unique approach and Jamie’s lyrics set these aside from other album singles on this album.

Overall, Jamie T’s fourth studio album expands and develops on from where “Carry On The Grudge” left off, offering a new, diverse approach to songwriting I haven’t quite heard much of this year. More festival performances next year please.

Overall Rating: 8/10