THE most irritating ‘habit’ that goes on pretty much every day/evening across the globe in  recent years is what sums up our generation, and it happens at live gigs.

If you haven’t guessed what this is yet then all you have to do to is just watch any ‘pop’ concert or an act at a ‘mainstream’ festival.

After you’ve done that, come back and continue reading so then you understand my frustration and annoyance with this ‘trend’.

Imagine for a second you are watching any band or artist (usually a mainstream band/artist) preforming a live gig on TV. The camera is focused on the band for the majority of the time, which is of course understandable, then every so often you get the cheeky little random ass pan shot of one TV camera, or a random ass camera view from behind the act on stage, and get a glimpse of the crowd.
(By the way, you can only truly spot this problem in a dark arena or when its evening/nighttime at a festival)
Anyway, you get a 3 second shot of the crowd at a gig and what is the most common thing you notice that pretty much everyone in the crowd is doing?

You see hundreds, and hundreds and hundreds of flash’s turned on, on peoples phones (kinda why I said easily to spot at night) that means only one thing. PEOPLE ARE NOT WATCHING THE F*CKING GIG!!!!!! THEY ARE WATCHING THE F*CKING GIG THROUGH THEIR F*CKING PHONE FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THAT GIG!!!!! WHY?!?!?!?! WHATS THE POINT?!?!?!
Seriously, you pay all that money to go all the way to see a band/artist that you supposedly ‘like’ and spend a good 90% of your time watching the gig through your phone, either for snapchat or for ‘memories’. (Can I just say I really don’t mind if you want to get one photo or one 3 second clip just so you can prove to someone you were there and to have some memories of that event, thats fine. Also it goes without saying that obviously photographers need to take a lot of photos for magazine etc because its there job which is fine. I know that was obvious, I just wanted to state that for record.)

It p*sses me off so much though. I just don’t understand why people do it all the time for the entirety of that gig. PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!!!!!!!!

Its really the best way to sum up our generation. We go through all that effort of buying a ticket, queuing for a ticket, getting transportation sorted to see the person/band you’ve paid a ticket for, you’ve waited in traffic, squeezed through a very large crowd in the arena or at a festival and yet, and yet, after spending all that time, money and effort you still resort to getting your phone out and watching the gig through a screen.



If someone can explain to me why everyone does it then please, I’m all ears.
As I said before, I understand why people would take A photo and why people would want to get A video, but this goes so far beyond that now, its at the point where I’m slowly losing faith.

P.S. Its not just mainstream music fans, mainstream music fans count for around 75% of it I’d say. Everyone who goes to a gig to see a DJ, there at fault. Yes ok a DJ might not be as much of a spectacle but you’re still there to engage with the artist, to dance and to ultimately be SOCIABLE!!!

If you think I’m wrong or don’t agree with me. Trust me, next time you go to a gig or watch a live performance on TV or online, you’ll now notice and hopefully be as incensed as I am.
